Poems Syndrome

Ongoing studies

Ninlaro, Revlimid, dexamethasone (Mayo Clinic)

Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota, USA) is studying using ixazomib citrate (Ninlaro), lenalidomide (Revlimid), and dexamethasone to treat POEMS. More information, including contact information, is available at ClinicalTrials.gov.

Cause of nerve (and other) damage (UCLH)

University College London Hospital has a group devoted to treating POEMS and is beginning a three-year research project focusing on understanding how POEMS damages neurons by studying cytokines and proteins characteristic of POEMS. The research proposal below has more detail, and the description of their group (also below) includes contact information if you want to be treated there or to be part of the research.

POEMS team information.pdf POEMS team information.pdf
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Type : pdf
research proposal.pdf research proposal.pdf
Size : 5874.645 Kb
Type : pdf

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